I’m Sorry and I’m So Proud

Today we quit the pacifier. Cold Turkey. I say “we” because it is a family endeavor at this time.

Oliver received the gift of a hand-me-down (I love hand-me-downs!) scooter yesterday and we had been talking for some time that when he gets a scooter and a helmet, it would be time to give up the “cork.” So Oliver agreed to go to the bike shop and pay for his helmet with the pacifier. That part went well.

Scooter and Magic Hewmet!

How old is this guy?!?

After that when it came time for nap time Oliver asked for his cork, twice, and has not asked since. However, there was no nap and bedtime was a restless and tearful undertaking. Throw in the fact that Oliver just cut one of his first two-year molars and I’m beginning to wonder why I felt this was the proper time.

Oliver, I’m sorry that you felt so sad this evening and had such a hard time falling asleep. I am so very proud that you didn’t ask for your cork at bed time and remembered why you no longer have it. That shows you are really growing up. I love you.

Everyone else, wish us luck.

And sleep.

Actually, hold the luck and just wish us all good sleep during the withdrawal phase.

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