Super Bowl Analysis

Tonight we introduced Oliver to football. He’s seen a little bit of the ” in your backyard, father-son ball-toss” sort of football but never a real game before. After a little while, here is the summation of Oliver’s Super Bowl commentary:

“Boom! He fell down!” and “More ads!”

That about sums it up, right?

First Love?

Oliver can be quite silly sometimes. Occasionally, as we prepare for bed, I will say my usual “Mama loves you” and Oliver will reply in a sing-song voice, “Nooooo.” The first time he did this I was a little disheartened, but toddlers love to joke about things being something other than what they are, so with that knowledge in mind I play along.

Over the weekend was another one of those nights. After his “Nooo…” I asked, “Do you love Mama?” “Nooo…” was the reply, accompanied by a giggle. “Do you love Daddy?” “Nooo.” “Do you love Pop-Pop?” (Note: If there is any certainty in the world, it’s Oliver’s love of Pop-Pop.) “Nooo…” Finally I asked, “Oliver, who DO you love?” Without missing a beat he replied, “Emma.” Emma is a friend of Oliver’s who is in our nanny share once a week.

Watching street paving together.


I wasn’t prepared for that answer. In my mind, the most likely response was going to be “Puh-Buh,” his little puppy toy he takes to bed at night. As I reexamine the picture above, though, it must be true. Oliver loves Emma. And that is ok… just as long as I can get back on the love list soon!


Thanksgiving 2013

Thanksgiving deserves more than a few sentences, but since that is all I have time for right now I’ll keep it brief. This year marked the first and only (as far as I’m concerned) overlap of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. Oliver made out with a ride-on tractor and a toolbox. There’s nothing like teaching self-sufficiency early!

I’m getting ready to fix my tractor. What are YOU doing?

Itsy Bitsy…

Oh, Itsy Bitsy Spider… “R-U??”

Oliver actually did ask about the “iby-ider!”

Multiple Meaning Words

As teachers will tell you, multiple meaning words can trouble those of us struggling to learn a new language. My little language learner is no different.
Yesterday morning Oliver, who is not yet on Daylight Savings Time, was following me around as I got ready for work. After helping pick out my shirt Oliver was bouncing around the room, so I felt I should redirect him lest he wake the neighbors downstairs. The following exchange then occurred:
Me: “do you want to come help me fix my hair?”
Oliver: “screwdriver?!”

I love this kid! More commentary later…


The last few days have been a litany of laundry thanks to a cream of wheat breakfast gone awry & a couple of mornings when Oliver woke up soaked. This evening as I tossed his pants on the floor to add to the never ending laundry cycle I heard a loud bang. Oliver’s pants don’t usually crash to the floor unless he’s in them. That’s when I discovered the stash of rocks in his pockets.
A rock stash.
I guess the days of not having to worry about checking Oliver’s pockets are officially over. It’s only a matter of time now before I melt a crayon in the dryer. Start laying odds people – the time is nigh!

Wake Up Call

Normally we wake up to calls of, “Hi! Hiiiii!” This is often followed by a list of names, “dada,” “mama,” “Chrissy,” “Ana,” “Callie…”
Today we woke up to, “Mama! R-U?” “Dada, R-U?” (Mama, where are you?) this sentence thing is awesome!

80’s Cartoon Character?

While we have been good about educating Oliver in the school of Jim Henson, we haven’t done any cartoons and certainly not those from the 80’s. Yet somehow, he struck this iconic pose with the chuckit. How did he know?

I have the Chuckit!!!

Here is my little “master of the grandparents backyard!”

Telling On Myself

I know I won’t hear the end of this, so I’m telling on myself. Today when we left Connecticut to go meet my mom at Rein’s Deli I prepared Oliver by changing a particularly icky diaper & getting him dressed for the car ride. It wasn’t until later, much later (hours – including a nap in the car), that we discovered that I had neglected to put a new diaper after removing the old one!! Thank goodness we discovered this outside in the gras and not during the car ride.
Apparently the week of vacation was too much for my brain and I’m now officially fried.


By the way, there is a nice playground behind the YMCA near Rein’s. its a great place for the kiddos to burn off a little energy before or after a meal.

A Fire Island Smile

I seem to capture some of my best pictures of Oliver on Fire Island. Perhaps because we are all relaxed and in a great mood on Fire Island.

Case in point:

Fire Island and pizza, what could be better?

Does it get any better? I don’t think so!