Months of Missing…

How did I miss so much? My goal before the new year is to add a few updates of what has happened over the last couple of months. Hopefully I will be able to cover topics such as:

Why Oliver needs to stay in a hostel soon

Oliver’s reaction to his first Ess A Bagel

Almost walking

A near miss

And a few more…

In the mean time, here’s a recent shot of Oliver enjoying some time outside before the weather got too cold.

Belated Election Post

Here’s a pic I intended to post back at the beginning of the month.

The news cycle that dominated Oliver’s life up until now was the coverage of the election.  It’s fitting that he accompanied us to vote in the 2012 Presidential election.  It’s a bit crazy to think that the time we elect a president Oliver will be able to come with us and help color in the bubbles on the ballot… assuming we aren’t voting digitally by then!

I think babies are underrepresented in our government. Child health care (and adequate toy allotment) is my priority.

8 Months – A Developmental Update

Oliver is 8 months old today.  Once again I find myself saying, “where did the time go?”

A few Oliver facts:

-he now has two teeth

-he can crawl in military and “civilian” fashion

-he can pull himself to standing using whatever (and whomever) is around him… this includes Calle

-we’ve caught him standing (without holding on to the railing) in is crib

Photos to come shortly.

Surface Tension

Surface tension is a tough concept to grasp for a not-quite-yet 8 month little guy.


Which is why when Oliver went to Mama and Me and saw bubbles for the first time…

Mind. Officially. Blown.

We Have Teeth! (No really, we do!)

Not that Oliver is allowing anyone to see them. He cut his first tooth on Saturday and is about ready to cut the second tooth any day now.  Unfortunately, he won’t allow anyone but me to look.  What good is that?

I have learned that frozen banana slices in one of those mesh food bags makes for great teething relief.  You can do the same with apple slices or any food that the baby can eat.



Common Sense, But a Good Reminder

I stumbled across this post today, 10 Habits to Stay Connected to Your Child, and while the suggestions are common sense, they are a good reminder.

I’ll have to do a hug count today as we head off to a memorial service. I think the quota goes up on occasions like this.

Single Parents

Being a mother in a stable relationship with an amazing partner makes the tough days of parenthood a lot easier.  They are still hard, but having the ability to “tag team” a problem means you aren’t always digging into your reserves when you have to battle through a sleepless night or a fussy day.

This past week Jeremy went to a conference outside of Chicago for a few days.  Three days without my teammate.  I won’t say that I had to go it alone, as I still went to work and one night  Alice came over to chat and play a few rounds of “pass the baby.”  It was a busy three days!  I wouldn’t trade that time with Oliver for anything, but it reminds me of how much respect I have for women, and men, who go it alone when raising their children.

Crocodile Death Roll

If you don’t know what it is, Google for it.  There are plenty of videos from which you can choose.

Why is this significant?  Because it’s Oliver’s latest trick on the changing table. I’m always proud of his new skills, but some are better than others.  This definitely falls into the “others” category.


Apple Picking (updated)

It’s been a long weekend of increased teething behaviors so I will be putting myself to bed shortly.  Before that happens I had to post a picture from our trip apple picking on Sunday.  More on our outing later.

Thank you Steve for the photo!

Note the cute elf hat, courtesy of Karin T. Gotta love having crafty coworkers!



We drove out to Stow to Honey Pot Hill with our friends Steve and Juliana. The apple cider doughnuts were tasty and the apple picking was good.  Oliver loves trees, so it worked out well for him.  Unfortunately he’s definitely teething now and it’s impacting his mood and sleep, but he managed a nap on the way there and the way back.  Yay for the magic of the car to help a kid drift off!

I read online that frozen apple slices (usually placed in a mesh bag of some sort) make for great teething relief.  I’m going to try this out.  Oliver thought he’d try on the whole apple straight off the tree, but it’s tough for a little guy to gain access to a whole apple!

How do you get into this thing?


If only I had those teeth Mom and Dad keep talking about…


How Many Stripes?

Daddy dares to ask, “how many stripes can a baby wear all at once?”

Despite the cuteness, Mommy’s eyes hurt.